Monday, May 2, 2011

An Instructional Blog!!

Is your Love Life in a funk?!
Has it been ages since you've been on a date?!
Are you looking to spice up your life?!

Well I have just the thing!!!  Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves, because if your love life is in dire need of some sprucing up, meeting your soul mate is just a hop, skip, and a jump away.   But remember, the first and most crucial element to establishing a means of courtship is setting up the first date! 

1. Break the Ice
  • Approach the person you would like to ask out on a date.  This action can be done in a setting with others or with just the two of you.   Make direct eye contact when approaching them.  You want them to know you are consciously seeking their attention.  Greet him or her with a friendly “Hello” and pay them a compliment or ask a question of some sort to spark conversation. 

2. Remain Cool, Calm, and Collected
  • Relax when speaking with your perspective partner.  Tips to help you relax include: 
  • Crack a joke.  This will help create a comfortable atmosphere for the two of you as well as get the other person’s attention. 
  • Break the touch barrier.  By gently brushing his or her arm after the punch line of your joke you will be sending non-verbal messages that convey playfulness.  It’s important that the conversation has a flirty feel to it, because it will help reinforce and clarify your intentions, without having to explicitly state them.  
3. Find a Common Hobby or Activity
  • Inquire about his or her favorite activities, hobbies, interests, likes, and dislikes.  Find an agreeable activity that you both would enjoy.  Once you have established an activity that you both enjoy doing, you can ready yourself to take a plunge and pop the question! 
4. Ask Questions
  • Ask your perspective crush what their plans are for the upcoming weekend or weeknight.  This is setting the stage for the invitation you wish to extend to them.   If you detect uncertainty in his or her response about their weekend plans, or if they simply do not have concrete ones, this may be a perfect time to propose the two of you engage in an activity you have in common.   When setting up a date it is crucial to remember to include these essential bits of information:

-       When the date will take place (Date and time)
-       Where the date will take place (Location)
-       What activities you will be doing (Refer to activities you both have in common)

5. Compose Yourself If He or She Rejects You
  • Remain calm if the answer is no.  If he or she does not express an interest in accompanying you to the location you have proposed, there is no need to be upset.   You have attempted to connect with this particular individual and if things don’t seem to work out, the best thing to do is remain friends.  


Controversial Topic!

I have a topic!  And I'm VERY passionate about this one!  So, while it may be considered controversial- I'm still going for it.  Homosexuality.  My thoughts.  Where do I even begin?  I guess I will start with mentioning how 100% FOR GAY MARRIAGE I AM.  Yes, indeedy.  While I only have a few friends that classify themselves as gay and lesbian- I think that their sexual orientation should in no way take away from their rights as human beings.  I have always been passionate about this topic.  I was raised in a household where my mother was very free-spirited and excepted people from all walks of life.  I also come from a background where my father was extremely closed-minded and had a hard time socializing with people much different from himself.  Luckily, I took to my mom's perspective and left my dad's perspective out in the rain! I just personally feel that homosexuality does not make who you are.  It's part of your identity.  I think that those who condem to homosexuals and forbid same-sex marriage are absolutely crazy.  If people are in love... they are in love.  END OF STORY.  And for those who have such a big problem with homosexuals, I ask you this.  WHO ARE YOU TO PASS JUDGEMENT?  Who are you to dictate who one can or cannot marry?  Because those individuals who believe they possess some "right" to dictate the laws of attraction, I would very much like to meet you.  Because I hold much contempt for people who believe they have the right to assert when love is real or fake, plausible or impossible, right or wrong, "good" or "evil".  I'm sorry to be so passionate, but I truly believe in the equality of ALL.  Not some, ALL.  Every single person on this earth has value and rights, and it pains me to see when their rights are exploited, or forbidden, or reprimanded.  

Loving Your Image

So as some of you may have noticed, I put some very cool blogs on my blog role.  All of these blogs were created and designed by women who wish to promote that there is no better feeling than loving the skin you're in!  I specifically chose these blogs because that is a message I 100% advocate!  I think that young women in today's society have it all wrong- in terms of what IS beautiful.  As our culture would have it, being beautiful entails light porcelain skin, a big bust, a tiny waste, blonde hair, light eyes, tall and slender.  But I often ask myself this question (as do the female creators of the blogs I posted) "How much more unrealistic could you get?!"  I mean for young adolescent girls to be growing up in a society that puts pressure on them to look, dress, act, and behave a certain way- I personally don't know if I could handle the pressure.  Yes, I myself am a young female adult, but I know better than these young girls.  I have come to terms with who I am and what I look like longggg ago.  It was a process, don't get me wrong, but everyday I see these new advertisements and it honestly makes me worry about the youth.  As a Communication Studies major I see how pervasive the advertising agency is in today's world.  It's frightening how enticing ad's have become- realistic or not.  I think that today my message is- love the skin you're in.  I try to live my life in this light and I encourage all my readers (male AND female) to do the same!