Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's Important ....

Hello All!!! Over the weekend I found this picture. It really caught my attention and reminded me of what's truly important in life. Life (at least through my eyes) is not about having the newest cell phone, having the "ideal" body recommended by society, having the thousands of "friends" on Facebook, having the newest car or most expensive clothes ... it's about LOVE. And the picture below sums it up... Have a look ...

Now this was the caption under it:
"I hear a lot of people say "I don't care if they're gay, I just don't want to see it." But if we are truly proud of our military and if we truly support our troops, then we will continue to fight for equality while they fight for our freedom."

Love is the most important thing in this world. And EVERYONE is entitled to it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Cosmetic Guru's Dream

Attention All!
Sephora has just come out with a new line of name brand products at a much more afforable price!

This picture is just to illustrate their new "Whats Hot" sections where you can browse products and prices! Online ordering has never been so easy. I shop at Sephora, frequently and I will say that they are amazing about getting your order in on time and in top condition!

So for all you beauty fans out there, visit Sephora for a wide variety of beauty products :) Enjoy!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog! This blog was created last year for a class I was taking and I have since then grown to use and appreciate blogs! In this blog you can find me writing about different issues (including controversial ones!) ranging from technological advancements to how our society views the exploitation of contestants (such as toddlers) who take part in beauty pageants! I think having a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and find other's who have a similar or different way of thinking. The internet is such a power tool for collaboration and learning, and I think Blogging is one way to share the wisdom and insight! I hope you all enjoy my blog and stay tuned for new posts! :D