Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Seguin and Culver Reading Review of Chapters 5 & 6

         Seguin and culver begin their discussion in Chapter 5 by explaining how landing an internship or your first job is just the beginning of your career, referring to it as a “stepping stone towards your dream job” (p. 66).  As this new and exciting part of my life transpires I need to play an active role in furthering myself down the path of success. Seguin and culver recommend reading what professionals in the field are saying about upcoming events and developments to stay fresh and current.  Reading and researching company advertisements, blogs, and online newspaper articles, along with general-interest magazines will help keep me informed as well as help me “cultivate my own interests” (p. 73). 
          Two important concepts also presented in Chapter 5 are mentor development and professional networking.   Having a mentor or multiple mentors will allow me to easily engage in a new and unknown culture, thus allowing networking to become a very accomplishable task .   Seguin and Culver further mention that having a mentor can be invaluable for those who want to progress steadily up the ladder to jobs with more responsibility and higher pay” (p. 85).  That would be my main career objective- climb the ladder and gain responsibility.  It is in this way that when I begin my internship with the Computer Science Department of West Chester University next Spring, I will inquire about receiving an appointed mentor or advisor to help me along the way and pass along their additional knowledge of the field.
          Chapter 6 of Seguin and Culver’s book talks about “seizing your entrepreneurial spirit” by use of the web and it’s various applications and venues.  I was particularly excited to read about Seguin and Culver’s recommendation of using the web to experiment, creating my own professional or personal website with an appropriate domain name to accompany it!  I have already done this and I am well versed in the importance of purchasing a domain name.  However, Seguin and Culver mention using this “experimental/professional website” as a way to “introduce a completely new business idea” (p. 89), which is something I would have never thought to do!  Since I will be working with the Computer Science Internship Department and under one of the Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, this would be a great way to propose new ideas, as I know professionals within the department will be frequenting my pages. 
         Playing an active role in the business or corporate world, continuing to network with professionals, and maintaining my online resources are a number of ways to ensure I am as successful as I can be in any given position I chose to accept.  By following this strategy I believe I will allow myself the opportunity to climb the metaphorical business ladder as far up as I can, burst through the glass ceiling that may be waiting for me, and pursue the career that makes me happy and offers a rewarding experience.   

Seguin, J. & Culver, S. H. (2008). Media career guide: Preparing for jobs in the 21st
century. (8th Edition). New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

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