Sunday, March 4, 2012

Open Thread

Hello All!!! I hope this blog post finds you all well!!! I am writing with the purpose of asking you a central question that I hope you can find the time to answer! So, the primary purpose of my blog is to discuss the influence of the media and social networking sites. We all can attest to the fact that the Internet is a very influential part of our every day life- if you are reading this blog, it is probably because you have a blog of your own- and if you have a blog of your own it is probably because you have something important to say and blogging is one way to let your voice be heard (case in point!) The Internet = influential! Therefore, my question to you is a two-part question.. Why do we as a society allow the Internet to influence us on such a profound level (given the fact that we know not all information on the Internet is credible/reliable)? AND, what do you primarily use the Internet for?

I would love to hear what you think and I look forward to reading your responses!

*** The picture below is just food for thought *** Enjoy!


  1. That is a very interesting question. For the first part we as a society have created a purpose for the interwebs. This purpose is another way to socialize which is good but there is still a chance for bad influences. For the second part of your question I use Facebook to interact with friends. For getting information I use .com or .gov for two reasons. reason one is the fact that .com is actual a commercial site. the second reason .gov is a governmental site so it is filled with documents.

  2. I always try to remember that the internet is a fallible source of information and to take it all with a grain of salt. But I also fall prey to believing things I see on the internet and not really taking the time to truly question them. Of course, it also depends what I'm using the internet for. If I'm researching for a paper, I'm not going to just go to any site. I'll still use the internet, but an online database is where I'll most likely end up. Otherwise, I'm mostly on the internet for fun, browsing Tumblr or Facebook, or other various social media sites not caring as much if the information I'm seeing is truly accurate.
