Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Seguin and Culver Reading Review of Chapters 5 & 6

         Seguin and culver begin their discussion in Chapter 5 by explaining how landing an internship or your first job is just the beginning of your career, referring to it as a “stepping stone towards your dream job” (p. 66).  As this new and exciting part of my life transpires I need to play an active role in furthering myself down the path of success. Seguin and culver recommend reading what professionals in the field are saying about upcoming events and developments to stay fresh and current.  Reading and researching company advertisements, blogs, and online newspaper articles, along with general-interest magazines will help keep me informed as well as help me “cultivate my own interests” (p. 73). 
          Two important concepts also presented in Chapter 5 are mentor development and professional networking.   Having a mentor or multiple mentors will allow me to easily engage in a new and unknown culture, thus allowing networking to become a very accomplishable task .   Seguin and Culver further mention that having a mentor can be invaluable for those who want to progress steadily up the ladder to jobs with more responsibility and higher pay” (p. 85).  That would be my main career objective- climb the ladder and gain responsibility.  It is in this way that when I begin my internship with the Computer Science Department of West Chester University next Spring, I will inquire about receiving an appointed mentor or advisor to help me along the way and pass along their additional knowledge of the field.
          Chapter 6 of Seguin and Culver’s book talks about “seizing your entrepreneurial spirit” by use of the web and it’s various applications and venues.  I was particularly excited to read about Seguin and Culver’s recommendation of using the web to experiment, creating my own professional or personal website with an appropriate domain name to accompany it!  I have already done this and I am well versed in the importance of purchasing a domain name.  However, Seguin and Culver mention using this “experimental/professional website” as a way to “introduce a completely new business idea” (p. 89), which is something I would have never thought to do!  Since I will be working with the Computer Science Internship Department and under one of the Deans of the College of Arts and Sciences, this would be a great way to propose new ideas, as I know professionals within the department will be frequenting my pages. 
         Playing an active role in the business or corporate world, continuing to network with professionals, and maintaining my online resources are a number of ways to ensure I am as successful as I can be in any given position I chose to accept.  By following this strategy I believe I will allow myself the opportunity to climb the metaphorical business ladder as far up as I can, burst through the glass ceiling that may be waiting for me, and pursue the career that makes me happy and offers a rewarding experience.   

Seguin, J. & Culver, S. H. (2008). Media career guide: Preparing for jobs in the 21st
century. (8th Edition). New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Company Blog

Position Desired: Graduate Assistant
West Chester University, Department of Residence Life and Housing Services
            I found this website to be rather direct and easy to navigate.  The homepage has a picture-roll displaying the traditional on-campus housing options, which is where I would be living if I received the Graduate Assistant (GA) position.  This is important when assessing the overall tone of the company website.   It is clear that the rhetorical structure is that of an informal and friendly nature.  This company is clearly dedicated to enriching each student’s living and learning experience, while trying to facilitate and encourage their developmental growth.  Lastly, it is important for me to note that there is nothing on this website or in the GA job description that promotes travel opportunities/possibilities for travel.  Since this is something that I seek from an employment opportunity, I will keep this aspect into consideration as I further unveil my findings. 

Information Access:

           There is extensive information about the “mission” of the department and what values the “Reslife” department holds dear.  There is no lack of clarity about this.  The website also offers information about the “central staff members” including the Director of Residence Life, Director of Housing Services, the Assistant Nice President of Student Affairs, and the Coordinator of Technology Services.  Theses employee “bios” include personal information as well as their individual role within the department and the responsibilities they hold while in that role. 
            An important aspect of the GA position is programming within the department and within the West Chester community.   There were no annual or semiannual reports offered about the success/failure of past programs, which I would find an appropriate piece of information to highlight.   Majority of the information they display however, is about the company’s mission goals and the services the company provides.

Elements Covered:

The information provided below will give you a good idea of the navigation option allowed to website viewers:
  • ·       Living Facilities
  • ·       Affiliated Housing
  • ·       Residence Life
  • ·       New Students
  • ·       Parents
  • ·       Calendar
  • ·       Policies
  • ·       Links (WCU related and “college student” related)
  • ·       Contact Us

Internet Findings:

  • ·      Payment structures: I found this information to be vague.  The only information offered regarding work hours, payment structures, benefits, was that this job is a “25-hour per week live-in commitment”.   
  • ·      Hierarchy: The direct supervisor of the GA is the Resident Director and above him/her is the Director of Residence Life. 
  • .   Individuals: It should be noted that each “central staff member” has been at this university working for a minimum of 6 years.  These would be the individuals interviewing a candidate for the GA position.  They focus on making an impact and leaving their mark on a place where they truly value working.


There was little to none national, international, and even local news/information pertaining to the Department of Residence Life and Housing at WCU.  The University itself primarily functions as an educational institution, therefore resulting in top searches and news report to be pertaining to the educational programs as opposed to the internal administrative offices/university employment opportunities.
o   Local News: Zipcar, the world’s leading car-sharing service, is now on campus. With Zipcar, members can reserve self-service, on-demand cars by the hour or day, 24/7.  This is open to students and employees of the university.
·      Industry Publications: The Department of West Chester University is responsible to publishing the “Pro-Staff” Training Manual and the “Paraprofessional Staff” Training Manual that is to be utilized during the first two training weeks of the year.  The department also works with other student affairs offices on campus to create and revise the West Chester University Student Code of Conduct that is given to every West Chester student upon their arrival at the university. 
·      Periodicals: There is limited information pertaining to the department from a non-news informational standpoint. 

Academic Sources:

It is interesting that I did not find any EBSO or Google Scholar articles about the Department of Residence Life and housing Services.  I find that all the programming they promote and the community service they provide the West Chester borough with, warrants some news coverage, however I have found none. 

I think there are still questions someone seeking a job in the Residence Life and Housing department would have after visiting the company website, however I do think the website conveys the true missions behind the work that everyone does in the department.  I am still looking forward to applying for this position using my learned, shared, and real-world experience to help me land the job! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

COM 499 Seminar

Communication Studies:
1.) “Shows a welcome ability to provide lucid and balanced summaries of a complex and diverse field.” - Fiske, J. (2011). Introduction to communication studies. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
2.) “An academic discipline that includes both social scientific and humanistic approaches to the investigation of messages in a variety of contexts (such as interpersonal, nonverbal, etc.).” Dr. Timothy J. Brown, West Chester University Department Chair, Communication Studies Department of West Chester University.

1.) “The action in which two or more individuals, using a socially shared or biologically shared signaling system send and receive messages” - Remland, M. (2009). Nonverbal communication in everyday life. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
2.) “When a speaker transmits a message and ensures that the message is delivered clearly” – Institute for Clinical Research Education website URL:

1.) “Driving awareness, understanding, engagement and behavior through the exchange (two-way process) of thoughts, messages and/or information” – Lindsey McCaffrey, Freelance Writer/Editor/Strategist with ten years of professional business communications experience.
2.) “The term “communications” typically is used to describe the products of communication: things like newspapers, radio programs, TV shows, films, etc. Within the discipline of communication, there are those who take offense when an “s” is added to the end of the term. This is especially true among those who don’t study media, since the term “communications” implies a focus on media and media products. In common use, when people refer to communications as a discipline, they typically mean some kind of applied media study, such as that offered by journalism schools and radio-TV-film programs. As you might imagine, I’m not too bothered by students who say they are “communications” majors, but some of my colleagues cringe when they hear that.” Dr. Philip Thompsen, West Chester University Communication Studies Department, Mass Communication Professor

Mass Communication(s):
1.) “Mass Communication represents the creation and sending of a homogeneous message to a large heterogeneous audience through the media.” - Om, G. (2006). Media society and culture. Isha Books.
2.) “the study of messages disseminated to large audiences through some form of mass media” – David Levasseur, Professor within the Communication Studies Department of West Chester University.

Speech Communication:
1.) “The historical study of speeches.” - David Levasseur, Professor within the Communication Studies Department of West Chester University.
2.) “The study of the nature, processes, and effects of human symbolic interaction. While speech is the most obvious mode of communication, human symbolic interaction includes a variety of verbal and nonverbal codes.” – National Communication Association website. URL:

Student Affairs:
1.) “Student affairs could be said to consist of any advising, counseling, management, or administrative function at a college or university that exists outside the classroom” – Dr. Patrick Love, Associate Professor of New York University.
2.) “People who work in student affairs provide services, programs, and resources that help students learn and grow outside of the classroom” – NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education website URL: career/whatis/default.cfm.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Open Thread

Hello All!!! I hope this blog post finds you all well!!! I am writing with the purpose of asking you a central question that I hope you can find the time to answer! So, the primary purpose of my blog is to discuss the influence of the media and social networking sites. We all can attest to the fact that the Internet is a very influential part of our every day life- if you are reading this blog, it is probably because you have a blog of your own- and if you have a blog of your own it is probably because you have something important to say and blogging is one way to let your voice be heard (case in point!) The Internet = influential! Therefore, my question to you is a two-part question.. Why do we as a society allow the Internet to influence us on such a profound level (given the fact that we know not all information on the Internet is credible/reliable)? AND, what do you primarily use the Internet for?

I would love to hear what you think and I look forward to reading your responses!

*** The picture below is just food for thought *** Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's Important ....

Hello All!!! Over the weekend I found this picture. It really caught my attention and reminded me of what's truly important in life. Life (at least through my eyes) is not about having the newest cell phone, having the "ideal" body recommended by society, having the thousands of "friends" on Facebook, having the newest car or most expensive clothes ... it's about LOVE. And the picture below sums it up... Have a look ...

Now this was the caption under it:
"I hear a lot of people say "I don't care if they're gay, I just don't want to see it." But if we are truly proud of our military and if we truly support our troops, then we will continue to fight for equality while they fight for our freedom."

Love is the most important thing in this world. And EVERYONE is entitled to it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Cosmetic Guru's Dream

Attention All!
Sephora has just come out with a new line of name brand products at a much more afforable price!

This picture is just to illustrate their new "Whats Hot" sections where you can browse products and prices! Online ordering has never been so easy. I shop at Sephora, frequently and I will say that they are amazing about getting your order in on time and in top condition!

So for all you beauty fans out there, visit Sephora for a wide variety of beauty products :) Enjoy!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hello Everyone! Welcome to my blog! This blog was created last year for a class I was taking and I have since then grown to use and appreciate blogs! In this blog you can find me writing about different issues (including controversial ones!) ranging from technological advancements to how our society views the exploitation of contestants (such as toddlers) who take part in beauty pageants! I think having a blog is a great way to share your thoughts and find other's who have a similar or different way of thinking. The internet is such a power tool for collaboration and learning, and I think Blogging is one way to share the wisdom and insight! I hope you all enjoy my blog and stay tuned for new posts! :D

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In lieu of the change in weather, I have posted this picture because it reminds me of spring time in WC :) I cannot wait for the beautiful spring weather! yay!